Author Archives: AngelWraps820

About AngelWraps820

Independent Wrapeneur for It Works Global! Email: Website:


I have worked very hard on my new website which will feature not only the amazing All Natural product line I am always raving about, but also a fresh new blog on Health and Beauty!! It will include testimonials, recipes, workout routines, new trends, and what is going on in Chicago!!!

So please head on over and check it out! Guaranteed you will love it! Click the image below to head on over to The Beauty Room! Don’t forget to subscribe for updates!


Life-Changing Company


WOW! I understand I wanted to keep my focus on more personal posts for a bit, but to be honest this is TOO BIG to not share! It would be a disservice if I did not share this amazing game-changer taking place in my company!

It Works Global has a mission and it is to be debt-free. When people join as Distributors it is because they have a dream and they know that our company provides them a fair shot at making that dream come true. 

The CEO, Mark Pentecost, is always finding creative and inspiring ways to change people’s lives and for the 3rd Month in a row he is continuing this bonus! 20 names are drawn and those 20 people will receive $20,000 to help pay off credit card, medical, or student debt!!!!!!! It is open to any and every distributor worldwide! It all begins with doing something we as distributors do all the time! 

I am so incredibly happy to be apart of such a selfless company that strives to help people reach financial freedom in their lives. By the end of this month when the next 20 names are drawn, 1.2 MILLION DOLLARS would have been given away to 60 Distributors Worldwide.

Truly, truly incredible.

If you are interested in joining the business and being apart of my growing team, send me an email and I can tell you all about the magic of working at this company and what it takes to get started. We are opened in 18 countries worldwide so check the photo below to see if you can become a Distributor in your country and are ready to pay off some debt! 🙂 



Being Fearless

fearThis is one of the many quotes that I have come across and have struck a cord with me.

I love this statement because it carries so much truth to it.
We learn fear at an early age. I remember as a kid being fearles and not worrying about anything except my favorite cartoon being on and if I’ll get chocolate milk before bed!

Then something happens early on and we become fearful. Maybe it starts off as monsters under the bed, but soon this fear manifests in every part of our life. Fear of failure, rejection, and the unknown. We become obsessed with needing to know how everything will turn out and what others think of us and if we are smart enough or good looking enough. These things are all so trivial and we may know it, but it doesn’t stop us from thinking about it late at night and questioning are previous choices in life.

But there comes a point and for me it was two years ago, where the lightbulb went off in my head and I thought “WOW! I’m sick and tired of the negativity. I am sick of the fear.” I began to do things because I genuinely wanted to and because my happiness came first and I didn’t care if it wasn’t good enough for anyone else- it was good enough for ME.

Being fearless is about knowing your worth without needing to be told by anyone else. Being fearless is having goals and dreams and having the confidence in yourself to know it WILL happen.
In fact, being fearless has a lot to do with this supreme sense of confidence in yourself, your abilities, knowledge, talents, ideas, etc.

You can plan for a bright future, but being fearless is knowing it may not go as planned but it will GO and it will all work out. Planting those seeds of fearlessness, positivity, confidence, and determination in our subconscious leads to us acting out in those same ways. I love daily affirmations because it reminds me of my strength and ambition and it makes me feel amazing.
We all have control over our own life and once you realize that you can design your future, you can build lasting relationships, you can tackle on any project, you can make your dreams come true- life becomes so much easier. You’re no longer in the waiting room of acceptance and approval from others, it becomes YOUR space and it’s quite liberating. 

Here are some Daily Affirmations to get you in the habit of becoming fearless!


Get to know ME!

So I know all my posts are about my business or products because I am truly so passionate about them and believe everyone should know they even exist! Lol. However, I took a look at myself and thought that I didn’t want to come off as a salesperson or this mysterious woman behind the curtain! So I found this awesome list on pinterest for blog post ideas to pop out some creative, personal posts!

I want you all to see that I have my quirks and what not and I have interests and get to know me! SO I hope you’re excited for what is to come! Also I really love Pinterest!

P.S. I love love love quotes so I will be posting one for every post most likely in no relation to it, but just because it’s great and I want to share it with you! 🙂


Re-Dream Your Life

So I took a nice, long vacation from work only doing things here and there! That’s the freedom of my job and as much as I do love the flexibility I am so ready to get back to work!!

I can’t believe those words even came out of my mouth! I have never enjoyed my previous jobs enough to be excited to get back to it after a long break! I thought it fitting to make a list of pros and cons being a Distributor for It Works for all you lovely people who just don’t get all my peppiness! P.S. The title is very much fitting because that is exactly what this opportunity has allowed me to do!

fb-byb-re-dream your life


Create my own hours- No more hectic schedules! No more clocking in! Full-time college student, Babysitter, and time for my Family and Friends..Perfect! I am in control of my own time! I no longer miss out on important events, exciting opportunities, or sleep! For my friends and family who already have full-time jobs, this was perfect for them even if it meant only 2-4 days of working the business. For those individuals in the health and beauty industry it was a no-brainer for them to use the products as add on services to their salons, spas, gyms, etc! 

Love the products- No more convincing people to buy products I would never use myself like my previous jobs (retail anyone?) I use these everyday and I love them for what they’ve done for my overall health! When I recommend a product I have my own personal testimony! It takes all the “sales” out of selling these products when all I have to do is talk about what it has done for me and other people! 

Residual Income– No more getting paid less than the MAN who does the same job and works the same hours as me! This is a biggie and was so obvious in my previous job, but thankfully now my level of effort and work is reflected in my paycheck! There is no trying to convince people I am qualified because I am a woman, because I am young, because I am still in college. There’s a tremendous respect and confidence through that freedom that allows me to do my job happily.

Promotions– I promoted within 2 months of joining as a Distributor for It Works! How? I worked with passion, I got creative, and of course I shared the product! It’s simple work but needs to be repeated month by month for continued success! I especially love the company’s Debt Free Motto which is something we ALL strive for in life! It’s not about the money, but the freedom and security it offers to know that there are endless opportunities when we aren’t worried about our next paycheck! The company also does so many promotions, some temporary and some ongoing, that offer everyone an equal opportunity to earn extra money for their hard work! Right now our TOO GOOD BONUS is giving 20 people $20,000 to erase any medical, school, or credit card debt! AMAZING!!

Entrepreneurship– I was never the woman to find myself in a boring, unsatisfying situation only to grin and bear it. Hell no! I want FUN! I want inventive ways for doing things and I wanted to be surrounded by like minded individuals who want to go the non-traditional path! You can see it in our way of doing business and communicating within the company. We are all here for the same reason, we strive for something more. There’s a huge, HUGE difference between going to work to get a paycheck and doing that same thing, but with passion! We set goals! We don’t “shrink our dreams” we “grow our income!” It Works Global is THAT company! It makes you think outside the box, see that whatever your dreaming of is possible! 

MLM Model- Our wrap is a first to market product of its kind and our direct sales approach allows for anyone to join and find success! This is a biggie as well! I have heard the argument about MLM being a pyramid scheme and so forth. MLM is about building your own team, with people you’d like to see succeed with you and who are as passionate as you, and I love that! I never liked the Corporate Model which is the real pyramid scheme where the only way to promote is for the person above you to quit, get fired, or die! I joined my sister’s team and we are at the same promotional level although I am “under” her team. I can surpass her or we can continue to promote together, the point is..the possibility is there! 

Opportunity- So many markets can be saturated, but not with us! The ability I have to be able to move to a different city or country tomorrow and still be able to be a successful It Works Distributor is incredible! We are open for business all across the United States and in 18 other countries globally as well and we continue to keep growing! We have less than 100,000 Distributors which is not even enough to cover all the ground that we are embarking on! This means so much business opportunity! I live in Chicago and I am amazed at how many people have never heard of the wrap! Never have they heard of It Works Global! I have read so many success stories from individuals who live in tiny, tiny towns and have had great amounts of success! Possibilities are truly endless.



Motivation: Without it, your business may not be so successful. When you choose your own hours and build your own paycheck, it takes a lot of energy to get yourself out there making the initiative to create those sparks for your business. You have to want it enough to step out of your comfort zone and make things happen! For some, it may be easy but for most people there needs to be a “WHY” Your “WHY” is essential to your business because it is the driving force, the reason, the goal or dream or inspiration for why you took on this business and why it is important and necessary that you succeed!

Courage: You definitely need courage if you want to build a team. You need to be a leader before you can lead. There are plenty of qualities that you should begin to harness to make you a strong leader and ultimately a stronger person. People will not always agree with your new business venture and may speak negatively, but they are not building your dreams for you are they? You can be fearful of asking someone about the business and being turned down, I still am! However, it’s just a “no” it is not personal, it doesn’t mean we failed, it is just a word and we move on. When you think of how much of this business is about connecting with other people, talking to people and listening to their wants and needs… you’ll see how silly it may be sometimes of letting that fear stand in your way of success!

Comfort: I think this is a good outlook for life in general, but I feel sometimes when we get too comfortable in a situation we are almost settling for what we’ve got. We are happy for how far we’ve made it that we kind of don’t care or don’t feel the need to keep working towards more. That thinking is a tricky and slippery slope and can often lead to laziness or feelings of defeat. When you reach your goals and dreams, CONGRATS! Now go make new ones!! Push the limit, push yourself and see how far you can go. Don’t get comfortable at your promotional level for so long that you are no longer trying out fresh ways to run your business. Remember why you started, congratulate yourself for where you are now, and start working toward more. 

Pace: Unlike traditional jobs that may pressure you into working faster, harder, longer etc. As a distributor you control all that and sometimes you may find yourself comparing your pace to others. You need to remember that this is your journey and you will move at your own pace. It is not a race, but it is important you continue moving forward. As long as you are moving forward then you’re doing great. Also, there is a difference to working hard and working smart. Find it and learn from it. 


So there are my reasons! The Cons are not necessarily “cons” because these are things we should understand in our lives in general but in its relevance to It Works, it is crucial we understand those for our success! If anyone reads this and wants to know more than I have already discussed through my blog posts or is interested in joining my team, my Email is available below! 🙂 I love to hear from curious individuals wanting to know more about this business! If you are wondering about the variety of products I sell then peruse my website at your wishes, link is also available below. Have an amazing day!



A Book Worth Reading!

Have you ever read a book and thought, “I need to tell everyone about this!”??

It was just so amazing and you connected so well with it that you thought everyone should be as lucky? Well that is how I felt when I found It Works. I couldn’t believe that I stumbled onto such an amazing company with products that made my health improve without having to spend tons of money or suffer through side effects. I was so excited I researched every product plus the business behind it and after being a Loyal Customer I jumped into working it as a Distributor. That was a smart choice because I could use wraps AND sell them 😉 

If you have ever used our wraps then you know how excited I must have been! 

Anyways, I still have maintained that same level of excitement from the day I signed up and have continued to share with everyone I can about the amazing opportunity. It Works has a product for everyone whether you’re looking to work on your health or reach fitness goals or BOTH! I have seen plenty of lives changed that I am not hesitant, but CONFIDENT when I speak to anyone about this line and what it has to offer. That is the beauty of this business! You are introduced to the line, you use the wraps and the products, you feel and see results, you fall in love with it, and then you spread the word! That is how it has been working for every one of my loyal customers and for all my family and friends who had been skeptical in the beginning. Have you ever heard that saying, “Don’t knock it till you try it!” Yeah, well it’s true and our business is spreading all over! When I say “all over”, I mean we are opened in 18 other countries, so we are GLOBAL baby! Get ready for It Works to become a household name. 

Good Morning America, Wall Street Journal, Featured in Emmy and Oscar gift bags, News Channels, Success from Home Magazine, Inc. 500, and it’s growing!!


Anyways like a good book, movie, restaurant, and anything else you may love and recommend not everyone will take to it and love it the same as you.

However, the point of life is to try new things and to learn, grow, and discover life’s endless possibilities. Many times this begins with you, not in a country far away or hidden in a person you haven’t met yet. It’s YOU that holds the key to unlocking an exciting future. Don’t let your body, health, or mind hold you back from seeing what you can be and what you can have!

So what do you have to lose besides unhealthy habits by trying us out for 3 months? PLUS who even wants to get healthy, invest in changing their lifestyle for one month only? I hope that is no one who is reading this. 

Our 3 month challenge is to try at least ONE product a MONTH for ONLY 3 MONTHS. That is only 3 products! You choose what you want and pay for only that product plus shipping + tax.

NO MEMBERSHIP FEE. 45% DISCOUNT ON ALL PRODUCTS. Not to mention speedy delivery, you get your products in 1 week from signing up! You also EARN 10% BACK FOR EVERY $1 SPENT. Those are what customers loooove! That’s our Perk Point Program, so after you fulfill those 3 months you can redeem those points toward ANY product! 

After the 3 months are completed you receive Loyal Customer Membership and Pricing for LIFE! Maybe you have to take a break from purchasing for awhile? No problem! IIf you need a break you can always “clear” your Autoship to not receive products or get charged.Then come back when you’re ready and still receive ALL THE BENEFITS. 

I am constantly challenging myself to meet new goals whether it’s breaking a bad habit and using Greens to help with that or reaching fitness goals with the help of ProFIT. 

Always challenge yourself. 

Need help figuring out what to get? 

Like my FB Page Look Good, Feel Good with Angel

There you’ll find product info, wrap results and testimonials, recipes, and daily motivation to help you on your 3 month challenge! 

In the name of Beauty..

There are thousands of ways people try to feel better about themselves everyday. Many of those ways aren’t healthy for their mind and body. We get ideas from magazines and wanting to look like the celebrities. Guess what? Those celebrities don’t even look like that! Photoshop has done a great job of bruising the confidence of women and men alike, adults and children alike, and setting people up for a false sense of what it means to be “proud” of who you are! 

There are still many people who have achieved what they would call their dream body whether in a healthy or non healthy way. Yet again we hear about people using steroids, starving themselves, losing weight/gaining weight at an unhealthy pace, and the list continues. Do you not think we are capable of achieving what we want from our body the right way? Are you not capable of eating right, exercising, and having fun throughout your journey?

Torturing yourself to skip a meal everyday to lose weight is not realistic, you will not do that for the rest of your life. There will come a time in your old age where all you can do is drink your meals in liquid form. YOU HAVE TEETH RIGHT NOW! Eat real food, good nutritious fruits/veggies, lean meats! There are tons of delicious recipes out there, go find them! Being healthy is a lifestyle not a fad.

Squeezing into shape wear feeling unable to breathe or move comfortably all to shrink your waist? Is there no other alternative? You know there are.. so what’s the appeal of paying money to be in pain?

Going under the knife to lift, tighten, pinch, squeeze, shrink, and do all kinds of not-so-fun sounding things to your body all to feel good about yourself? Is it worth top money to get it done, risk your life, and lie in a bed for weeks after all to recover? Missing out on work, family time, life in general?

When I approach people about my health and wellness line I do it out of the goodness of my heart. I know there are other alternatives out there to fit into that dress or get a 6 pack like that one celebrity. Most of those options are NOT healthy and will not always make you feel better once all the torture and pain you put yourself through. When you make a decision to begin a healthy lifestyle it is SO much more than wanting to look good. It is about feeling good on the inside, not worrying as much, having a more positive outlook on life, really improving your health, and being excited about it! 


If you’re doing things because you feel like you HAVE to instead of that you WANT to, you will never stick with it. Eventually people give up all the time because there is no DESIRE. You must DESIRE, ENVISION, and be PROACTIVE of what you want out of life to really make any CHANGES.

I love my It Works Products because they are the first that I have come across that make me FEEL AND LOOK GOOD. I don’t get any funky side effects, my health is seriously improving, and I actually see physical results. I enjoy teaching people about an all natural, non gmo alternative that can help them wherever they are at in life. I have seen people able to have a baby from balancing their hormone levels, see kids rashes go away in a day, help people with ADD focus an all natural way, know a fellow distributor who lost 390lbs through the use of many of our products and working out, allergies disappear, migraines go away, mood swings almost non-existent, chemo patients grow their hair back faster than they ever could, and the testimonials continue!

If you are looking for a healthier way to take care of yourself then by all means go to my website and look around and if you have any questions send me an email 🙂




Let’s talk FDA “approval”..

So wondering why our It Works Product Line is NOT FDA approved? 

Before I lay down the facts before you all to make your own judgments I will like to explain that many times I get the question “Are your products FDA approved?” from people. So today I want to provide some helpful information to anyone who wants the answer to that question.

NO. The answer to that question is simply “NO”…Our supplements are not FDA approved but are FDA regulated. Our products must be 1) SAFE 2) Not make any claims that are false and misleading 3) The products must comply with FDA and DSHEA regulations. 

Our products are considered “dietary supplements” because they contain “dietary ingredients.” Dietary ingredients are vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs or botanicals, as well as other substances that can be used to supplement the diet. 

So what is FDA approved?

The FDA has not had a great reputation when it comes to approving prescription drugs and otc drugs. The organization has caught some slight about its interest in the pharmaceutical industry rather than considering patients health regarding the drugs. 

 Approved in 1999, Vioxx was an anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce pain and stiffness, often to treat arthritis or migraines. Vioxx was on the market for over six years and prescribed to more than 20 million people before Merck, the drug's maker, decided to pull it from the market in 2004.  Overwhelming evidence suggested that the arthritis drug caused an increase in cardiovascular problems. In 2004 The Wall Street Journal citing an unreleased government document, reported that Vioxx was responsible for an estimated 27,000 heart attacks and cardiac deaths.

Approved in 1999, Vioxx was an anti-inflammatory drug used to reduce pain and stiffness, often to treat arthritis or migraines. Vioxx was on the market for over six years and prescribed to more than 20 million people before Merck, the drug’s maker, decided to pull it from the market in 2004.
Overwhelming evidence suggested that the arthritis drug caused an increase in cardiovascular problems. In 2004 The Wall Street Journal citing an unreleased government document, reported that Vioxx was responsible for an estimated 27,000 heart attacks and cardiac deaths.

Avastin, a medication designed to help treat cancer by blocking blood growth to the tumor, was approved for breast cancer treatment in 2008 by the FDA. Two years and two larger studies later, Avastin's approval as a treatment for breast cancer was reversed; it had shown to have little positive effect and presented serious health risks. Avastin is still used to treat other forms of cancer.  The move was particularly controversial because many physicians and breast cancer patients believed the drug was helping.  Patients taking Avastin were found to experience side effects including high blood pressure, internal bleeding and heart failure.

Avastin, a medication designed to help treat cancer by blocking blood growth to the tumor, was approved for breast cancer treatment in 2008 by the FDA. Two years and two larger studies later, Avastin’s approval as a treatment for breast cancer was reversed; it had shown to have little positive effect and presented serious health risks. Avastin is still used to treat other forms of cancer.
The move was particularly controversial because many physicians and breast cancer patients believed the drug was helping.
Patients taking Avastin were found to experience side effects including high blood pressure, internal bleeding and heart failure. 

We have all seen the commercials about prescription drugs intended to help with some health concern only to hear what seems like a never ending list of harmful side effects. Here’s one about a sleeping pill. Once it is done explaining the increased thoughts of suicide, sleeping and driving while asleep and not remembering it being reported, and many other side effects the advertisers try to get the viewer interested by explaining the $0 co-pay. Absolutely ridiculous yet APPROVED BY THE FDA.. Let that sink in! 

It Works has all natural, non gmo, organic products. Every products lists ingredients and origin. Our supplements work so well because the body absorbs 100% of the ingredients since the body recognizes it as food unlike other supplements. 

 I know what I have experienced and after years of taking otc pain killers for my migraines, cramps, whatever it was..I was told I had liver damage! I was so dependent on Tylenol, ibuprofen, NyQuil, and similar otc drugs that I had serious harmful effects! I was even put on anti-depressants for my serious migraines and after using them for 4-5 days I had increased mood swings, I was depressed, and I kept telling my family and friends “I don’t feel like myself!” ALL I wanted was to get rid of the pain, but instead I was mentally breaking down and physically I didn’t even feel any better! So no thank you doctors, I will pass on “Pharmageddon” and stick to feeding my body what it recognizes! 

Our products aren’t intended to manipulate your body, but instead to help it do what it naturally should. From our fruit and veggie filled Greens which has helped me personally with allergies and migraines to our body wrap which detoxes using a botanical based cream and has been found to help with skin irritations, sun burns, rashes, acne, and more! We have quality products that have helped improve so many people’s health whether it was balancing hormones, alkalizing, lowering blood pressure, giving a natural energy boost without the crash, helping digestive health, improving concentration, and the positive testimonials continue!! I love our line because I trust I will feel better WITHOUT side effects, paying tons of money, and being assured of what the products contain!

Here’s a few more facts to think about next time you’re willingly accepting of using prescription/otc drugs..

  • In a June 2010 report in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, study authors said that in looking over records4 that spanned from 1976 to 2006 (the most recent year available) they found that, of 62 million death certificates, almost a quarter-million deaths were coded as having occurred in a hospital setting due to medication errors.
  • An estimated 450,000 preventable medication-related adverse events occur in the U.S. every year.
  • The costs of adverse drug reactions5 to society are more than $136 billion annually — greater than the total cost of cardiovascular or diabetic care.
  • Adverse drug reactions cause injuries or death in one of five hospital patients.
  • The reason there are so many adverse drug events in the U.S.6 is that so many drugs are used and prescribed – and many patients receive multiple prescriptions at varying strengths, some of which may counteract each other or cause more severe reactions when combined.

Last but not least, please if you want to be taken seriously do not approach me about “health concerns” to our products if you are smoking cigarettes, eating McDonald’s, drinking Coca-Cola, etc. It’s a harsh reality, but get informed! You have only ONE body..

Perks of Being a Loyal!


Today I am talking about our Loyal Customer Program! In case you’re in a rush this morning the key aspects I will talk about will be:

1) 3 Products, 3 Months
2) Loyal Customer Discount
3) Perk Points
4) Referral Reward
5) FREE Shipping
6) Autoship/Order Tracking
7) FREE FITWorks Community Membership

I love to shop so I have had my fair share of run ins with loyal customer programs. I almost always opt out, but if I do sign up it is because it is hassle-free, affordable, and I can get free goodies! It Works has one of the best loyal customer programs I have seen. There’s always a catch with such programs! Either you have to invite people, write reviews, pay a monthly fee, etc. The list can go on and become quite irritating. When I was first introduced to It Works, I joined the Loyal Customer Program; There is no membership fee and all I paid for is what I got!

Signing up to become a Loyal Customer means you purchase a total of 3 products! Not all at once, but 1 a month, for 3 months. Now some people ask me “I have to purchase for 3 months?” It Works is a Health and Wellness Line.. Do you mean to tell me you only wanted to get healthy for 1 month? No that would be silly, right? It Works has tons of products from our body wraps, lip/eye cream, weight loss bars, prebiotic chews, various supplements, vitamins, etc. With that in mind, it is easy to find a product you may need or want. The 3 product purchase is a great way to try out new products and find your favorites! Some people who are drawn in by our body wraps may need more than 1 box to get their desired results and most people find best results using products in conjunction with others. Defining Gel and our body wraps is just one example of the idea “better together.”

Starting from your very first purchase you receive the Loyal Customer Discount! You pay what I pay! Not only do you get a discount, but we give you 10% back starting from that first purchase! That 10% back comes in the form of Perk Points where 1 Perk Point is equivalent to $1. We are giving you money back!! After fulfilling your 3 months you can redeem those Perk Points! Let’s say you have accumulated 23 Perk Points…those are your Fat Fighters for FREE! After 6 months of consecutive purchasing we just hand you over 50 Perk Points which is equal to $50! After 12 months of consecutive purchasing we reward you with 150 Perk Points which is equal to $150!! So now you are getting free product PLUS FREE SHIPPING! Yes, after only 3 months you qualify for FREE shipping on any future orders for a lifetime!

It Works loves to share the products and the opportunity to get healthy and look good so we reward you for inviting friends along! There is no obligation to invite friends or family, but if you do decide to refer a friend within your first 30 days and they become a Loyal Customer as well, we will give you 35 Perk Points or a FREE Box of Wraps!!! It is so simple too! You use the link on your page and share it to whoever and you get rewarded!

Not only do we have rewards and free shipping, but you get your products autoshipped! What does this mean? It means the day you sign up is the day you will receive your products next month, and the month after that. My autoship is set for the 15th, so every month on the 15th I get my goodies! There’s no confusion in how long your products will take to arrive or worrying about your favorite products running out! Our products are designed to last you a month so you never run out! If you want to change the date of your autoship, that’s fine too! Your website is easy to navigate and also allows you to track your orders! When your items come in, it will take only 1 week, you can go back online and choose your products for next month! Shopping made really, really easy!

NO OBLIGATION! This is a biggie! Now majority of my loyal customers continue to purchase month after month because they have had tremendous success using our products to make them look better, feel better, and be truly healthy! However, It Works understands that maybe some months you might need money for other finances. If that is the case, you can always turn OFF your autoship for the month! All you do is go to the same site where you manage your account and clear items from your autoship cart. That ensures that you will not receive any products next month and ensure you are not getting charged that month. You will not receive products or be charged until you add items back into your cart! When you do turn it back on, you still remain a Loyal Customer and continue to recieve rewards, perk points, etc.

Last but not least, you get FREE membership to !!
It’s a great place to visit to keep you motivated, get recipes, and get tips and tricks for a healthier you!


If you’re ready to get healthy and start feeling good and looking even better head on over to my website and browse through our products!

1 Box of Wraps as a Retail Customer= $99 1 Box of Wraps as a Loyal Customer=$59

The choice is yours!