Tag Archives: motivation

Being Fearless

fearThis is one of the many quotes that I have come across and have struck a cord with me.

I love this statement because it carries so much truth to it.
We learn fear at an early age. I remember as a kid being fearles and not worrying about anything except my favorite cartoon being on and if I’ll get chocolate milk before bed!

Then something happens early on and we become fearful. Maybe it starts off as monsters under the bed, but soon this fear manifests in every part of our life. Fear of failure, rejection, and the unknown. We become obsessed with needing to know how everything will turn out and what others think of us and if we are smart enough or good looking enough. These things are all so trivial and we may know it, but it doesn’t stop us from thinking about it late at night and questioning are previous choices in life.

But there comes a point and for me it was two years ago, where the lightbulb went off in my head and I thought “WOW! I’m sick and tired of the negativity. I am sick of the fear.” I began to do things because I genuinely wanted to and because my happiness came first and I didn’t care if it wasn’t good enough for anyone else- it was good enough for ME.

Being fearless is about knowing your worth without needing to be told by anyone else. Being fearless is having goals and dreams and having the confidence in yourself to know it WILL happen.
In fact, being fearless has a lot to do with this supreme sense of confidence in yourself, your abilities, knowledge, talents, ideas, etc.

You can plan for a bright future, but being fearless is knowing it may not go as planned but it will GO and it will all work out. Planting those seeds of fearlessness, positivity, confidence, and determination in our subconscious leads to us acting out in those same ways. I love daily affirmations because it reminds me of my strength and ambition and it makes me feel amazing.
We all have control over our own life and once you realize that you can design your future, you can build lasting relationships, you can tackle on any project, you can make your dreams come true- life becomes so much easier. You’re no longer in the waiting room of acceptance and approval from others, it becomes YOUR space and it’s quite liberating. 

Here are some Daily Affirmations to get you in the habit of becoming fearless!


A Book Worth Reading!

Have you ever read a book and thought, “I need to tell everyone about this!”??

It was just so amazing and you connected so well with it that you thought everyone should be as lucky? Well that is how I felt when I found It Works. I couldn’t believe that I stumbled onto such an amazing company with products that made my health improve without having to spend tons of money or suffer through side effects. I was so excited I researched every product plus the business behind it and after being a Loyal Customer I jumped into working it as a Distributor. That was a smart choice because I could use wraps AND sell them 😉 

If you have ever used our wraps then you know how excited I must have been! 

Anyways, I still have maintained that same level of excitement from the day I signed up and have continued to share with everyone I can about the amazing opportunity. It Works has a product for everyone whether you’re looking to work on your health or reach fitness goals or BOTH! I have seen plenty of lives changed that I am not hesitant, but CONFIDENT when I speak to anyone about this line and what it has to offer. That is the beauty of this business! You are introduced to the line, you use the wraps and the products, you feel and see results, you fall in love with it, and then you spread the word! That is how it has been working for every one of my loyal customers and for all my family and friends who had been skeptical in the beginning. Have you ever heard that saying, “Don’t knock it till you try it!” Yeah, well it’s true and our business is spreading all over! When I say “all over”, I mean we are opened in 18 other countries, so we are GLOBAL baby! Get ready for It Works to become a household name. 

Good Morning America, Wall Street Journal, Featured in Emmy and Oscar gift bags, News Channels, Success from Home Magazine, Inc. 500, and it’s growing!!


Anyways like a good book, movie, restaurant, and anything else you may love and recommend not everyone will take to it and love it the same as you.

However, the point of life is to try new things and to learn, grow, and discover life’s endless possibilities. Many times this begins with you, not in a country far away or hidden in a person you haven’t met yet. It’s YOU that holds the key to unlocking an exciting future. Don’t let your body, health, or mind hold you back from seeing what you can be and what you can have!

So what do you have to lose besides unhealthy habits by trying us out for 3 months? PLUS who even wants to get healthy, invest in changing their lifestyle for one month only? I hope that is no one who is reading this. 

Our 3 month challenge is to try at least ONE product a MONTH for ONLY 3 MONTHS. That is only 3 products! You choose what you want and pay for only that product plus shipping + tax.

NO MEMBERSHIP FEE. 45% DISCOUNT ON ALL PRODUCTS. Not to mention speedy delivery, you get your products in 1 week from signing up! You also EARN 10% BACK FOR EVERY $1 SPENT. Those are what customers loooove! That’s our Perk Point Program, so after you fulfill those 3 months you can redeem those points toward ANY product! 

After the 3 months are completed you receive Loyal Customer Membership and Pricing for LIFE! Maybe you have to take a break from purchasing for awhile? No problem! IIf you need a break you can always “clear” your Autoship to not receive products or get charged.Then come back when you’re ready and still receive ALL THE BENEFITS. 

I am constantly challenging myself to meet new goals whether it’s breaking a bad habit and using Greens to help with that or reaching fitness goals with the help of ProFIT. 

Always challenge yourself. 

Need help figuring out what to get? 

Like my FB Page Look Good, Feel Good with Angel 


There you’ll find product info, wrap results and testimonials, recipes, and daily motivation to help you on your 3 month challenge!